Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to Create a Successful Product Launch

Modern day product launches need to be effectively distributed in order to be properly introduced to the consumer. Therefore being able to exhaust all news venues, in order to get the word out, is central when launching a new product.

Utilizing all forms of online venues, social media, and traditional media, in order to maximize coverage is the optimal way to go about launching a new product in the modern day market. So, once you have drafted a press release showcasing the new product by addressing its obvious advantages over the competition, its' innovative nature compared to your older products, and how the consumer's life will be enriched by its acquisition, you are ready to proceed onto launching the great news onto as many reputable and credible venues as you can.

Going the distance when you are distributing the news to potential venues, in which to advertise your product, will ensure top market penetration. So sending the news out to online news press release sites, and online media sources, or advertising it on popular websites (such as Google, Facebook, YouTube or Bing, etc.), and creating a home based website for the press release to connect with, will give your new product the necessary speed to take off the ground successfully.

It is further solidified through the creation of a website which is hopefully user friendly, and adorned with product details, company information, as well as online and offline purchasing details.

Learning how to use and appreciate traditional media, as well as forms of previously mentioned new media can also help double the effectiveness of a product launch. So opening up to television, radio, advertising or print venues (such as newspapers, magazines, or direct mail pamphlets and brochures), or even movie screens or theaters, will help increase the potential radius of influence of your product launch. Also, since advertising venues such as radio and television, especially, have a long standing reputation and influence over consumers, they can help up the credibility, and legitimacy, of your product launch.

Finally taking full advantage of other opportunities that may be available to you such as participating in trade shows, journalistic coverage of your press release by an influential newspaper, and or public launch events, and other forms of social media, can widen the scope and dimension of your product launch.

So, in the offline world, inviting your entire and loyal client base to attend and have some light refreshments, while becoming introduced and informed on your new product, can be of great help if it can be arranged cost effectively. It can also be a powerful way of engaging the customers on a personal, and social level, and help them to feel truly acquainted and connected with the product.

Ideally speaking, actively researching and choosing the most targeted media venues available, (ones which can cater to both the nature of your product and consumer base, and can meet your financial comfort), is the optimal way of going about launching a new product.

Successful Product Launching   

Another Tip for Maximising Sales Opportunities

Increasing cash flow in your business is the most obvious way to ensure sustainable growth, and should be at the top of your list of daily things to pay attention to. Of course everyone knows this, and some proactive companies have recently become very creative, giving incentives, reducing prices, packaging, bulk deals etc. But I cannot believe how many websites do not have an on the spot transaction facility in place...

How can a company sell more product, get paid instantly AND offer their customer a better deal into the bargain?

One way is to offer order-on-line, pay-on-line facilities to customers. This allows a company to offer the keenest prices on all their lines. Some progressive SMEs are already doing it, and reportedly are not only helping their bank balance but are also stealing the march on competitors because of it.

Benefits to the seller:

• Boosts cash in hand • Reduces admin costs • Reduces risk of error • Increases competitiveness

Benefits to Customer:

• COD price advantage • Time saving • Convenient

What is a web based order/payment system?

Web-based order/payment systems enable people to do things outside their expertise. The typical 4 step process guides a customer through the transaction, log on, select product, place order and pay.

Selecting the best system for your company can be confusing especially if you are new to selling online.I recommend clients to use a purpose built Order/Payment system, mainly because these are sooo simple to use and typically have a specified, dropdown product menu. You don't even need to have a website for this

Local buyers are now searching for bargains on the Web:

Consumers everywhere, in all sectors, are searching the web for better value. And...they are expecting to find you there with your goods on offer, together with the rest of 'the progressive business world. The modern consumer expects his supplier to have a web presence, it plants a sense of stability in his mind about a company. It makes sense then, that any business who offers a consumer a presentation of his merchandise, should also offer an opportunity for on the spot purchase.

I mean, really, who would ever ask an interested customer on the ground to 'come back later if you still want it, I can't take the payment now'.

In my opinion, Order/payment online is the next quantum leap for SME web business.

Be at the right place - at the right time, and be ready to SELL!!

The perception of a deep recession, that is gaining momentum, will change the nature of business for SMEs worldwide in the coming year. People who traditionally dealt with the local supplier will join the rally of online shoppers searching for ways to save their money. Anyone who has enjoyed the online shopping experience will agree that convenience as well as price will draw them back. So why let your customers slip away to the competitor? Look for an online order/payment for your sector today.

Successful Product Launching   

How To Develop Your New Product Launch Strategy For Massive Paydays

In your quest to launch a successful product in the marketplace, you need a new product launch strategy that will guide you to success. Launching a product requires meticulous planning, coordination and a start-to-finish strategy that will act as your guide as to what to do next. Sure, Murphy's Law will come into play and things will go wrong, and that's why having a strategy to keep you on track and focused is even more important.

Here's how you can develop your new product launch strategy to rake in paydays that you never thought possible:

Step 1 - Understand Your Market

Before even creating your product, you need to understand your market's wants and needs. If you just create a product that you 'feel' is going to be a hit, chances are it won't. You need to study what the market's problems are, what solutions they are crying out for. You need to understand their habits, their income range, their personalities, and so on. Find out which market you are targeting and study that market so you can come up with a solution to their problem/s.

Step 2 - Create Your Product

There are three options when it comes to having a product you can launch - you can create it yourself, you can outsource it or you can source it. Another consideration is the type of product you are creating. Is it an ebook, video course, software, or a physical tool? You are more likely to create and outsource an information product and source out a physical product from a supplier. Of course, you can also create your own brand new physical product that is sold under your brand. This requires more resources such as money, contacts and expertise.

Step 3 - Do A Test Launch

Before you launch your product to the general public, it is a good idea to do a small test launch first to see if your product idea is viable. In the online space, this can mean doing a launch to only your e-list of subscribers and customers, or even just a sub-list (a section of your list). In the offline world, this often entails launching your product to only a certain geographical area before you launch it statewide, countrywide or even worldwide.

Step 4 - Test, Track and Tweak

Test and track the results of your promotion in your test launch. Things to test include elements of your sales copy such as your headline, call-to-action, colors etc. You can also gather feedback from beta testers or customers from the test launch to improve your product further. Keep tweaking your product offer to improve it before you roll it to the general public.

Step 5 - Build Relationships

Relationships are almost everything in business. If you have relationships with the right people and companies, your company and brand can grow very fast. Before you can rollout your product, you will want to build relationships with potential joint venture partners through contact points like email, Facebook, Skype and even direct mail so they will be more receptive to promoting your product.

Step 6 - Roll Out Your Product

Once all the talking and planning is done, it is finally time to rollout your product. This can involve starting your large-scale advertising campaign and/or having your joint venture partners promote your product to their mailing lists, either online or offline, or even both. A rollout involves using a lot of leverage, either through media channels or through other marketers' lists. You rollout your product by leveraging on the built-in readers through these channels.

Developing your new product launch strategy is not something which you can afford to do in a hurry. Take your time, consider every angle, and your product launch can be a rip-roaring success.

Successful Product Launching   

How Do I Advertise a Product?

Here is a tip to help you deal with the diversity of customers when you advertise a product: There is a fine line between how you advertise a product and how you present yourself. Advertising should have a dual approach, because in truth there are two advertisements happening at once.

An advertising balance between you and your product is like two wings of one bird.

One wing is the product:The product can speak for itself and fly off the shelf.

The second wing is you:You can make an unknown product take flight in the mind of a potential customer.

Often, when you are not looking, an advertising tactic may appear too extreme you and not enough the product or to extreme product and not enough you.

Every good advertiser should have a dual approach to produce good results, without the dual effect the potential customer will not experience the balance that is needed to affect a successful advertisement and eventual sale of the product. The human factor can awaken the curiosity and the product will make the sale, or the product arouses curiosity and the human factor clinches the deal. But humans being what we are, we have a left side and a right side; so for one it may be the curiosity for the product, for the other you are what attracts and awakens to what you want to sell. These are two distinct factors for one product being advertised; this is a dual effect that you must be prepared for.

Two approaches, one product being advertised, so the one approach allows for more personality and less product the other approach demands more product with less personality.

The tip is to remain alert and flow with the duplicity and advertise within both sides of the spectrum, because fluctuation between you and your product can happen in the middle of the potential customers' decision process.

It is not only the direct customer contact where this dual state of mind is an instrument; it is also the different internet advertising methods that you yourself approach. You may be able to enter, for example, E-Bay with just a straight up product sales pitch, but if you are trying to draw traffic to your website through a forum then the product is pretty much a taboo subject, in a forum you must be who you are.

Self awareness along with honesty will work in either case, weather the moment dictates that you advertise a product or advertise yourself; use both wings and let your product fly into the hands of your customers.

Successful Product Launching   

Stereolithography Advances With Specially Developed Resins

Stereolithography (SL) technology, which is the oldest Additive Manufacturing technologies, is gaining momentum in the prototyping world thanks to its new materials exhibiting thermoplastic-like performances. This additive fabrication process not only allows for intricate part designs but also delivers functional prototypes, which eases concept part testing. Design engineers now save a huge amount of time when they test a design concept. Not so long ago Stereolithography SL resins were much too brittle to allow for e.g. evaluating the impact resistance of a prototype. Thanks to the many advances of Additive Manufacturing technologies, and thanks to the significant reduction of the time-to-market they bring to part designers, the also-called Rapid Prototyping industry is growing fast and reached US$ 1.1 billion in 2009. With an annual growth of more than 20% and benefiting from further technical advances on materials, the Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing technologies will show even more in the next decades. A new wave of opportunities has already spread into this fast growing industry: the production of short runs. AM technologies in general, and Stereolithography in particular, are now more than ever used to produce a limited number of parts, even when it deals with e.g. complex design of spare parts. The injection molding of plastic parts is not competitive when only a few parts are needed because the steel mold cannot be amortized. This is one of the reasons why the AM technologies including Stereolithography technologies are well suited for the aerospace industry. For the same reason the medical sector is also widely using stereolithography and the other Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing technologies. Because every patient is unique, dental implants and other hearing aids will always be produced on demand, and drawings will change from one patient to another.

Even though the SL technology is making progress in handling short runs and producing limited amount of spare parts, it is still mainly used in the prototyping world. Following T. Wohlers, a renowned and well-known expert in the AM technologies, there are roughly 70% of parts using AM technologies being sold as prototypes or unique models1. Despite the growing interest towards the manufacture of tailor-made parts there were also some key advances made these past years on materials to improve the performances of prototypes. It is now easy to get functional prototypes. Resin producers developed special resins for AM technologies to make them closer to the serial production resins - even if these AM resins will never be the exact offset of injection molding grades experts now talk of e.g. ABS-like properties materials. Other AM resins were also developed to increase heat resistance or improve transparency. All these improvements were conducted to allow functional testing. It is not only possible to quickly get a complex 3D shape plastic part in hand quickly. It is also possible to assess the functional design. Some of these SL resins are even USP Class VI approved, which is of great help when OEMs and device manufacturers develop medical functional prototypes. From the prototypes to the first tens of parts, which will go through severe functional testing procedures, the use of medical approved resins makes the transition very easy. These material advances help to speed-up the development phase and bring more flexibility to part designers and part development project managers.

Successful Product Launching   

Discover the New Easy Way to Complain Online About Bad Customer Service

An innovative new consumer website is set to help unhappy customers get real results with their complaints. As British Gas is fined a record £2.5 million for not dealing with customer complaints sufficiently, consumer power gets a further boost with a new, free, service to help make complaining easier.

Visit the website ComplaintsFactory now - the site will allow consumers to post online, any problems they've had with products or services, and shift the emphasis to the company at fault to fix the issue. Consumers will save time not having to chase Customer Service staff themselves.

Complaining isn't easy. It takes time out of your day and invariably costs you money. You've paid for poor service or a faulty product, and now you have to jump through hoops to get things put right.

Not any more. The ComplaintsFactory allows you to air your grievance online, and puts the responsibility of sorting out the problem with the company concerned. Let them use their time and money fixing the issue.

How often have you been unhappy with a service or product and got nowhere with the company's 'Complaints Department'? About 100 million complaints are made every year by UK consumers, but many more unhappy customers just put up with bad service. Why?

It takes time to complain You think, 'What's the point? Nothing will be done' Consumers aren't sure about their rights.

Well, now you can post your complaint online for everyone to see. The ComplaintsFactory will email the organisation concerned, inform them that they are featured on the site by an unhappy customer, and offer the company the opportunity to respond or contact you directly to help resolve the matter. Meanwhile, you just get on with your day.

Companies with genuinely good Customer Service departments will take note and sort out your problem.

It isn't easy to complain nowadays. Paul Lewis, founder of The Complaints Factory, became increasingly frustrated at how difficult it is to make a complaint to a company.

"Many make it virtually impossible to talk to a human being to resolve a complaint", says Paul. "I wanted to create a public forum where complaints about companies and organisations like local authorities, are visible for all to see".

A phone call is just between you and them, so they feel no real pressure to put things right. Posting a complaint to the global online community rather changes that company complacency.

These are tough times. Businesses are competing for customers, and they should be bending over backwards to get your trade and keep you happy.

This is the age of the consumer. We are all becoming skillful online networkers and it's never been easier to swap banks, energy suppliers or insurance companies.

Don't put up with bad service or products. Go to The ComplaintsFactory and get results!

Successful Product Launching   

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